Prof. Laura Goracci
Full Professor in Organic Chemistry, DCBB, University of Perugia
ORCID: 0000-0002-9282-9013
WG2 Leader for the COST Action EpilipidNET
Twitter: @lgoracci01
My background is in organic chemistry, supramolecular chemistry (synthesis and characterization the aggregation modes of amphiphilic molecules) and cheminformatics. The combination of this expertise brought me to run multidisciplinary projects combining experiments with in silico approaches with special attention to molecular design, hit-to-lead optimization and safety risk assessment. From 2008 to 2011, I decided to leave the academia to strengthen my skills on innovative computational procedures (virtual screening, docking, cheminformatics). Working for the MIA s.r.l. as PI in several projects, I started fruitful scientific collaborations with Molecular Discovery Ltd, Roche, and Sanofi, and some projects are still ongoing. In 2012, I moved back to University of Perugia, being awarded with the grant “Futuro in Ricerca 2010” for young investigators to start my independent laboratory. The granted project, aimed at studying the mechanism of drug induced phospholipidosis and on the development new methods for phospholipidosis risk assessment both in vitro and in silico, allowed me to bring my skills together, collaborating with Hoffmann-La Roche as external partner. During this time, I had the idea of developing new tools for untargeted lipidomics and I was PI of the team that, in collaboration with Molecular Discovery UK, developed the software Lipostar, which is now used both in academia and in pharmaceutical companies. Thanks to my contribution in the lipidomics and epilipidomics field, I am currently MC member and Working Group Leader for the COST action CA19105-CA19105: Pan-European Network in Lipidomics and EpiLipidomics (EpiLipidNET). My over 20-years experience on molecular design and hit-to-lead optimization allowed me to identify interesting compounds with unknown scaffolds in the field of anticancer, antiviral and antibacterial compounds, and in the recent years I have started to work on the design, synthesis and characterization of Proteolysis Targeting Chimeras (PROTACs) compounds. Since 2018, I co-lead the DAISY-Lab (formerly named H-ECoTox Lab - High-Throughput Experimental and Computational Approaches for Toxicity Assessment, granted within the Department of Excellence “2018-2022”).