Sept-22, 2024
We are very pleased to announce that Gabriele Cruciani was awarded with the Fujita Award from QSAR, Cheminformatics and Modelling Society (QCMS). The Fujita Award is awarded to a senior scientist for the significant contributions to the field over the career. In 2001, the same society already awarded him with the Hansch Award, which is given to a young scientist under the age of 40 who has made significant contributions to the field.
The Fujita award was celebrated at the EuroQSAR meeting in Barcelona, and Gabriele gave a lecture entitled "Intelligence Amplification is much better than Artificial Intelligence".
Congrats, Gabry!

Sept-13, 2024
Our paper entitled "Between Theory and Practice: Computational/Experimental Integrated Approaches to Understand the Solubility and Lipophilicity of PROTACs" is now out as ASAP paper in J Med Chem!An multidisciplinary example of digging deeper in phys-chem properties of organic compounds to push structure-properties relationships.(in 10 days more than 900 views!)